PROVIDING OCD TREATMENT for a Better State of Mind

Southeast OCD Is a Service of Behavioral Sciences of Alabama

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Reliable Mental Healthcare Providers



Our team treats obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders through an Intensive Outpatient Treatment program. On this site, we provide psychoeducational material to inform the public and prospective clients and their families about OCD, anxiety, and effective treatment. Our practice's name is Behavioral Sciences (Behavioral Sciences of Alabama, Inc.). The website address for the practice is Behavioral Sciences of Alabama.”

Behavioral Sciences

Treats mental disorders, serving children, adolescents, and adults. Our professional staff includes five counselors, a psychologist, a physician’s assistant, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, and graduate-level counseling interns.

We have emphasized the treatment of anxiety and OCD for about 12 years, and the director, Dr. David Barnhart, has been working with OCD for more than 20 years. The Southeast OCD website highlights this aspect of our services.


What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

In Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, adults, teens, and children experience repeated obsessions or compulsions. The symptoms can be so severe that they cause marked distress. They can be time-consuming, causing impairment in school, work, and social life.

Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or impulses that repeatedly enter your mind. They can be difficult, if not impossible, to control. They may go against your moral or religious values; you may recognize them as senseless, and they may not fit your personality. An example of an obsession is the recurrent thought or impulse to apologize for some perceived wrong or to do serious physical harm to another person even though you never would.

Compulsions are behaviors or actions that you feel driven to perform. You may recognize them as senseless or excessive. At times, you may try to resist doing them, but this may prove difficult. Examples of compulsions are the need to repeatedly check appliances, door locks or check the internet for symptoms of a perceived illness. Most compulsions are observable behaviors. Some are unobservable mental acts, such as silent checking or reciting nonsense phrases to yourself each time you have a terrible thought.

Subtypes of OCD

  • Fear of harming self or others
  • Contamination obsessions
  • Sexual obsessions
  • Hoarding or saving obsessions
  • Religious or moral obsessions
  • Symmetry or exactness obsessions
  • Miscellaneous obsessions
  • Fear of saying certain things
  • Fear of losing things
  • Superstitious fears
  • Lucky or unlucky numbers
    - Need to know or remember certain things
    - Somatic obsessions
  • Fear of illness or disease
  • Appearance of a body part
    - Cleaning and washing compulsions
  • Ritualized handwashing
  • Ritualized bathing
  • Repeated cleaning of household items
  • Asking others to handle things
    - Checking compulsions
  • Not harming or hurting somebody’s feelings
  • Checking that something terrible has not happened
  • Unnecessary checking for mistakes
  • Repeated checking an aspect of physical health
    - Counting compulsions
    - Ordering or arranging compulsions
    - Hoarding or collecting compulsions
    - Miscellaneous compulsions
  • Need to talk, ask, confess
  • Need to tap, touch, or rub
  • Staying away from sharp objects, breakable glass
  • Ritualized eating behaviors
  • Hair pulling (trichotillomania)
  • Skin picking (excoriation disorder)